You can Shutdown Windows Computer Daily by following the procedure given below. Daily Shutdown of a Computer can be useful for unattended computers or when you want your computers to shutdown automatically at configured time. In order to shutdown windows computer daily, you would need to select the option that says Daily Actions from Easy Shutdown menu.
The Daily Actions Menu of the Easy Shutdown provides many computer control actions and hence you would need to select the appropriate Windows Shutdown Action and would need to specify the time at which you want the computer to shutdown automatically. As displayed in the figure below, just specify the time at which you would want the windows computer to shutdown automatically and click on OK.
The Setup of Easy Shutdown , adds Easy Shutdown to Windows Startup and hence the shutdown action configured above will be executed automatically at the configured time. In case your windows computer is not running at the configured time, the automated shutdown will not be able to execute and will be executed the next day. This automated Shutdown of Windows , can also be skipped by existing the application from system tray or by removing the application from windows startup or you can just delete the Daily Action configured by following the steps above.